OK, I know I'm going to get destroyed for this, but I'm just going to say it: I'm sick of Twilight. There. It's out there. I'm really happy a series was created that got so many people to read, but I'm over it! Unlike Miss Karson, I just couldn't get into it. Bella was just too wimpy for me, each book was about 200 pages too long....I'm going to stop now before you all kill me.
My point is...many of my students can't seem to find anything that compares to the Twilight series. Edward is just soooo dreamy, and sparkly, and....perfect. If you are in this boat, please read Need by Carrie Jones. As I was reading it, I couldn't help but notice some parallels between the stories, yet it wasn't in a way that seemed like it was plagiarism, namely because there's not a vampire in sight. Let me explain.
As we meet our main character Zara, she is headed from her home in sunny Charleston to live with her Gram in chilly Maine (Forks, anyone?). Her mother has sent her to try to snap her out of the depression she fell into after the death of her stepfather. Her Gram (loved her, BTW) is a spunky character who brings a lot of life to the story. After starting at school, she meets a hunky guy Nick who just seems different from other guys (ahem, Edward, ahem), and who seems to take an immediate interest in Zara.
The author creates a creepy mood immediately by introducing us to a strange man who seems to be stalking Zara. She saw him outside the window just before her father's heart attack, at the airport, and now outside of her school. Who is this creepy man, and what does he want with her? Does he have anything to do with the boy who just went missing? Is he connected with the string of kidnappings that occurred years before?
We also quickly learn that the people in this town are not exactly what they seem. The author introduces wares and pixies in such a believable way. Yes, pixies, and we aren't talking Tinkerbell kids. These pixies are power hungry killers! (Dun dun dun!) Zara and her friends set out on a quest to learn more about the Pixie King so that he may be defeated. Although I wasn't completely satisfied by the ending, it is well worth the read. The author expects to have the sequel out in December, and promises at least a third book after that.
I can't wait to hear what you guys think about this one!
My point is...many of my students can't seem to find anything that compares to the Twilight series. Edward is just soooo dreamy, and sparkly, and....perfect. If you are in this boat, please read Need by Carrie Jones. As I was reading it, I couldn't help but notice some parallels between the stories, yet it wasn't in a way that seemed like it was plagiarism, namely because there's not a vampire in sight. Let me explain.
As we meet our main character Zara, she is headed from her home in sunny Charleston to live with her Gram in chilly Maine (Forks, anyone?). Her mother has sent her to try to snap her out of the depression she fell into after the death of her stepfather. Her Gram (loved her, BTW) is a spunky character who brings a lot of life to the story. After starting at school, she meets a hunky guy Nick who just seems different from other guys (ahem, Edward, ahem), and who seems to take an immediate interest in Zara.
The author creates a creepy mood immediately by introducing us to a strange man who seems to be stalking Zara. She saw him outside the window just before her father's heart attack, at the airport, and now outside of her school. Who is this creepy man, and what does he want with her? Does he have anything to do with the boy who just went missing? Is he connected with the string of kidnappings that occurred years before?
We also quickly learn that the people in this town are not exactly what they seem. The author introduces wares and pixies in such a believable way. Yes, pixies, and we aren't talking Tinkerbell kids. These pixies are power hungry killers! (Dun dun dun!) Zara and her friends set out on a quest to learn more about the Pixie King so that he may be defeated. Although I wasn't completely satisfied by the ending, it is well worth the read. The author expects to have the sequel out in December, and promises at least a third book after that.
I can't wait to hear what you guys think about this one!